Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Art of Parenting - Gene, Generate, Generation

I was pondering over the word "Generation" and I could kinda extract a few meaningful words from it to justify my title here.
Gene,  Generate, Ration  are contained inside Generation

Gene -   is a unit of heredity in a living organism.
Ration - supply of essential needs

So, putting it all together, as a parent, your duty is to bestow essential needs in form of knowledge, creativity, socialization and culture in your children.   Once that is rationed, there would be a constant supply of these virtues to them.   As your children grow, it gets internalized inside their genes.    Thus, I do firmly believe that this virtue is passed down to generations below as a heredity.

As a responsible parent, by doing this, you ensure that you not only serve your children but a generation there after.

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