Sunday, 10 June 2012

Software Engineers must be trained to THINK!

On the other day, I was listening to an interview of Neville Roy Singham, CEO, Thoughtworks.   He brought in a very interesting point regarding the notion of software thinking rather than software training.   According to him, good software is hard to write because it has to go through a lot of thinking process.  So, it is not the training in software that would create a software architect but the deep thinking would do that.   Many software companies in India and US recruit untrained software engineers, but spend a lot of time training them.  

The analytical and problem solving ability differentiates the average software engineer from the best.  

Educational institutions which impart software training should emphasis on software analytics and software reasoning.  I call that CLEAN ROOM SOFTWARE TRAINING.

If we do that, we will have more softwares engineers writing clean useful intelligent code.

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