Saturday, 31 March 2012


I was talking to my friend yesterday who works as a system manager for a company based in Bangalore, India.  They have many hundred Windows desktops running Windows XP.  All their softwares work fantastically on Windows XP.   They are planning to move to Windows 7, not because there is something that doesn't work on Windows XP, but just because Micorsoft is will be discontinuing Windows XP support very soon.

They don't want to take chance! 

Windows XP Support ?  What does that mean at all?

I asked him a simple question?
    How many times did you go to Microsoft for seeking any kind of support for Windows XP?
    The answer was ZERO times.

That's true, there is no real need to go to Microsoft for any kind of desktop support. 
However, they keep sending important updates such as security updates (almost daily!) which you
choose/do not choose to install.  Some of them break your existing application or makes your
system perform slower and then you get the fix for the what they broke later thru the same
support channel.

Your Antivirus Software would protect you better.    

My friend agreed that he did not remember any time when they had to go to Microsoft or
Microsoft's trusted partner for any kind of desktop support. 

So, it became evident that for his organization, there is no real need to move to Windows 7. 
There could be only three reasons   
    1.    "Because" others are upgrading...
    2.    "Because" Microsoft is not going to support Windows XP anymore
    3.    Company policy!

He finally agreed to the underlying philosophy and felt sorry that his company would be spending
lot of worthless money in this case and he can't stop that from happening.  After all, he is just
a paid system manager who is asked to do as per the company's policy!

So, friends, this is what has been happening for the last 17 years since Microsoft launched
Windows 95.  The craze of "Unwanted upgrades" began just few years later
     Windows 95--->Windows 98----->Windows ME------->
    Windows XP------->Windows Vista------>Windows 7------?

..........and now you understood how Bill Gates became the richest man in the world and how
Microsoft enslaved the corporate world..........We fed them........just for nothing!

So next time, when you hear the next version from Microsoft, think many times before you buy it.

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