I have been in the scientific industry for more than 50 years.
I have taken part in many scientific events, projects, explorations and technology development.
I would like to share the most memorable incident that touched my mind.

Agni is a high-speed missile that is capable of traveling 15-times faster than the speed of the sound.
The front-portion of rocket that carries the missile would be at 4000 Degrees Kelvin temperature.
In order to comprehend that high temperature, we developed a material made of a carbon-carbon composite material that is light and able to sustain high thermal stresses of re-entry, in a variety of trajectories.
After the successful test launch of Agni-II, we used the same light material to prepare Calipers for children affected by Polio. The regular calipers weighs about 4 kgs and children find it very difficult to move with it.
Using the carbon carbon material mixed with composite material, we made calipers weighing just 400 gms (1/10th of the actual weight).
Children wearing the new light-weight calipers were extremely delighted. They started walking and even jumping easily. Their mothers were in full of tears seeing their children's joyful movements. What an event was it. It is the most astounding event of my life. I see this is as the most memorable and greatest scientific event in my life.
Narrated by
Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam
(former President Of India and an extra-ordinary statesman)
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