Sunday, 13 November 2011

US says 'SORRY' again...!

Our most lovable and most honorable ex-president Kalamji was subjected to scrutiny in the JFK airport recently after he boarded Air India, which puts me in deep anguish.    This has happened nth time for an Indian dignitary.  In my opinion, a simple apology with "SORRY" won't suffice.  America must apologize to the whole of India and give it in writing that this won't repeat again.   Unless this happens,  India must tender similar actions on American dignitaries. 

The other question that arises in my mind is that how did Air India staff allow airline authorities to check Kalamji.   By all means, Air India staff are entitled to object.  The American government has once again proved that it cannot differentite between an esteemed dignitary and a ordinary traveller.  

I would like to see an ex-American president to go thru a similar experience in India and India should tender a simple "SORRY" to America.     How would the citizens of America feel?   I am sure they would be boiling just like I am right now.

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