Sunday, 4 September 2011

Nature And God!

What would you answer if someone asks you this

Do you believe in God?
Is there something called God?

Many say "Yes" due to the fear or being alienated by their community; because our parents have taught us to say "yes" and we just echo the same. Many take the safe path by saying "May be" inorder to not harm anybody's sentiments.

Few say "No" probably due to circumstances and beliefs.

I was fluctuating between "Yes" and "May be" depending upon my mood and to whom I need to answer.   I started using more of "May be" in the recent past until the recent experience made be go back to "Yes".

I was looking at a Rose Plant in my garden and got into some deep thought around it. Rose is probably the most beautiful flower and is one of the most admired one!. God gave it beauty and also protected it with thorns. So, anyone who attempts to pluck it is sure of getting hurt if she/he is careless. However, if you further notice the plant, you may observe that the thin stem which holds the flower is not that thorny which made me feel that God created the structure purposefully as a caveat for anyone to still pluck it and use it for mankind.

This is just good enough reason for me to believe that God is there as an eternal force. Nature has not given us the 7th sense to feel and appreciate God.    

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