Saturday, 10 January 2015

The Unlearned Man

We make several mistakes in life.  Some of them could be reversed.  Many of them are unreversible.  God always gives you a second chance to correct your mistakes.  The reason he gives you another chance is an opportunity to not repeat them but do it better.  The interim period between the the time you made mistakes the second chance is the time for reflection.  This is the time you look back, recall, analyze and see what better you could have done.  How better you could have handled the situation.  The greatest mistake that a begger does is "Begging".  He knows that it is a mistake and he has a world of opportunities to correct it and lead a honorable life.  But, he goes on begging.  Do you know why ?   Is it because he is not learning from mistakes.  Did you ever think about it?  Give it a thought once again.  I feel that begging has given him the comfort feeling and the way to get some easy money without hard work.  It is not just he should be blamed for that, the society has equal share of the blame.  I feel that if you do not learn from your mistakes and repeat the same mistake, you are no lesser than a beggar.