Wednesday, 22 May 2013

The Greatness of Tamil Culture

Heard this from Kaviko Thiru. Abdul Rahman.

This story takes us to the Sangam age.

It was a beautiful day and rains had just settled bringing beauty and serenity on mother nature.
A king, longing to see his beloved lover for many weeks gets a call from her.
Overjoyed, he gets his chariot ready and asks his driver to go as fast as possible as he could not resist his feelings.  The chariot roars ahead like a bullet. 
The king happens to pass through a wooded region where he notices the colorful flowers having just blossomed on the rees and plants which makes makes him feel even more happy and rich.  
Just then, the king asks his driver to stop the chariot and get some twigs to tie the chariot bells so that it makes no sound when the chariot is in motion.
Taken by surprise, the driver humbly requests the king to explain the reason.

Now this is where the story brings in charm and showcases the culture.....

The kings says,  "Oh my humble driver!   Didn't you notice those two honey bees sitting on the flower sucking nector and enjoying the togetherness?  The sound of the chariot bells would disturb their togetherness and they would fly away getting separated.   How can I be so cruel on those poor little creatures when I am braving all risks to see my beloved"

....and the chariot gently passes by the woods.

Thus is the greatness of our rich culture and heritage which we should take pride in.
